editing proofing

How important are editing services?

If you want people to enjoy your writing, first they have to be able to read it. Of course, no one creates perfection on the first try. Sometimes, not even on the second or third try. The ideas may be new, exciting, and interesting, but if the reader gets bogged down by grammatical and spelling errors, they’ll lose interest quickly. You may have the right words, but in order for your content to be taken seriously, it must be fluid, grammatically correct, concise, and error-free.

Proofreading Services

Sometimes it’s impossible to see simple grammatical errors no matter how many times you proof-read your own work. Sometimes, your brain only sees the words and sentences you wanted to create, not the ones you actually created. Uncorrected errors can result in text that is difficult and unpleasant to read. I can be your second set of eyes. A fresh look from a new perspective will ease your frustration and help perfect your writing. Proofreading involves the correction of text at a basic level. I check for grammatically correct structure, punctuation, as well spelling and typographical errors.

Editing Services

Editing is a more in depth process. It involves creative changes that make the writing more fluid and properly ordered. I may suggest re-organizing content to flow more smoothly, changing the order of words in a sentence, or changing the order of paragraphs in the body. Tense and language may have to be altered to better suit your audience. Your text may need only minor changes, or it may need a complete overhaul, but the ideas will still be yours.

I will help you decide exactly how much editing your written work requires. Whether it is simple proofreading you require, or more complex editing services, the finished work will be the best it can be. I can help you by refining your original content and bringing it to the perfection it deserves.

The potential for refining your work begins with superior writing that your audience will absorb.