Explore, Dream, Imagine …

The Blog

Ramblings, Rants, and Writing Advice

My thoughts on almost anything. Stroll down memory lane, view the world from a different perspective, or get tips to help you with your own writing.

Writing Services

Proof-Reading, Editing, and Professional Content

I offer limited services to assist you with your writing. I can also provide professionally written content for your business or personal writing project.

Book Reviews

To Read Or Not To Read: That Is The Question

I love to read. History, adventure, romance, memoir, classic literature. I’ll let you know what I’m reading and share my opinion on it.

Mark Twain

“Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all of one’s lifetime.”



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Recent Posts

The Colours of the Sea

The Colours of the Sea

A poem by Carolyne Regan as published in Devour – Art & Lit Canada online magazine.

All About Me

I’m not just a writer. I’m a reader, a researcher, an editor, an investigator, a student, a teacher, a daydreamer, and a realist.

I often prefer to call myself an imaginarian and a creatition. Really, I’m an adult who perpetually sees the world with a childlike wonder. And I will never stop learning.

More About Me

Carolyne Adult
The Adult Me
child Carolyne
The Childhood Me