Aspiring Authors Should Read “Catcher”
A lot can be learned from reading a book, even if you don’t necessarily enjoy it.
A quick look at the basic rules for including numbers and numerals in your writing.
A guide to the use of dialog tags. SAID is best but the occasional non-standard dialog tag can also be useful if used properly.
All about similes and metaphors, the difference between them and how to use them.
How to recognize a dangling participle and avoid it in the future.
The official uses of the ellipsis. And on unofficial one to make your writing more interesting.
Or should I say, comma crazy? One of the most frequent punctuation errors is over-use of the comma. Other punctuation is easier to use because the rules are easier to define and understand. The comma, however, can be a bit of an enigma. Here are some simple rules to help you master the proper use…
Find more expressive ways to use your vocabulary.
Don’t be lazy. If you take short-cuts, others will notice. A couple of minutes could mean the difference between a good job well done … and the recycle bin.